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麦帝龙集团有限公司创立于1997年,是专业从事陶瓷卫生洁具及相关配套产品的综合型企业,集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体。在2006年以前,麦帝龙(MADDALO)品牌运营足迹以德国为主涉入欧美市场各地,于2008年大力推入中国市场,总部位于中国瓷都——广东佛山,携德国“精良、精确”品质文化,欧洲“简约、时尚”设计精髓,努力为中国消费者提供更优质的产品和服务,全力打造国际知名品牌。 麦帝龙集团旗下有两大卫浴品牌——麦帝龙(MADDALO)和恒佳(KOOKA),已远销欧美,深受广大顾客好评,主要以卫生陶瓷、浴室柜、五金龙头产品为主,卫生陶瓷包括座便器、陶瓷盆、小便斗、蹲便器、立柱盆等。 麦帝龙企业坚持走质量效益型道路,以专注求发展,不断强化自身核心竞争力,立志在可见的未来成为全球“最优秀整体卫浴产品供应商与服务商”之一,并长期不懈地为人类社会创造更具享受价值的卫浴生活! 麦帝龙——品质卫浴!

Maddalo was founded in 1998 and located at the ceramic capital of China—Foshan. Before the enterprise was founded we have been passionate about modern bathroom for 15 years.

Maddalo provides overall bathroom solutions for our customers, integrated with sanitary ware like ceramic toilet&basin,faucet&shower&accessories ect, shower room, steam room and bathtub products into a whole bathroom , meeting demands for different space, providing an updated bathing experience through showing, leisuring, health caring and fashion enyoying,the company use environment friendly porcelain for the ceramic basin and toilets,harmless brass and solid chrome to produce faucets , also green painting for those solid wood cabinets. With these technological and material advantages, we earned a great reputation all over the world.

In addition to a beautiful array of now standard bathroom products, Maddalo also engages in the development of extraordinary OEM ,ODM Projects. Browse through our products sections on our Web-Site to see the variety of products available .

Welcome to feel free to contact us,we hope to extend our warm welcome to our customers, old and new, to enter into business relations, and cooperate to jointly build a brilliant future.


地址:广东省佛山市禅城区季华西路 68 号中国陶瓷总部陶配中心 B405b 网址: http://www.maddalogroup.com/ 技术支持:链卫陶
主办单位:唐山成联电子商务有限公司 咨询热线:19912348019 电子邮件:2063271782@qq.com ICP备案号:冀ICP备11009155号